Since 1st November 2016 the funding that High Ash Farm received (approximately £70,000/year) has ceased due to changes in the EU budgets and uncertainties over funding after Brexit.
The farm will hopefully find some government funding in the future but it will be significantly less than previously and it has already been confirmed that there will be no funding for permissive access.
High Ash Farm has committed to continue offering the permissive access walking and to continue with as much of the conservation work as possible however it is quite costly and does not generate an income.
In 2006 the farm entered a large scale EU funded conservation scheme (HLS) which enabled the majority of the farm to be used for pollen and nectar plantations, wild bird seed and open access for public walking. This has been hugely successful and delivered enormous environmental and biodiversity benefits to the area.
The public access has been particularly successful. Large numbers of people from the local and wider community regularly use the well maintained, safe paths around the farm.
There are not many other options for walking and countryside access like this in the area south of Norwich so High Ash Farm is a valuable and much appreciated resource.

The farm is looking for assistance via sponsorship to enable us to continue this work which provides such an important resource for the environment and the public.
If you become a sponsor you will have access to some new sponsors only routes around the farm.
There will also be a sponsors bluebell walk opened in the spring that will take you into the private woodlands to see the best bluebell display in Norfolk!
If you would like to help sponsor the conservation work and permissive access at High Ash Farm then you can send a cheque made payable to:
SD & CD Skinner to High Ash Farm, Caistor St Edmund, Norwich, NR14 8RD
or you can make a one off or monthly donation using the Donate Now button on this page
There is no set sum to be a sponsor, any amount will help us continue the work at High Ash Farm.